Steps On How To Build a Successful Media Relations Strategy

By Ryan Brodsky, Account Representative; James Calderon, Account Representative; Paige Duffany, Account Representative; Meredith Prud’homme, Account Executive

Between the four of us, we have several years of communication experience from our classes as well as hands-on experience with our North Road Communications client, Poughkeepsie Service Accelerator. We put our heads together and came up with seven steps on how to build a successful media relations strategic plan. 

Number One

Set Clear Objectives

Public Relations consists of a variety of disciplines that work together to exceed a business’ goals. One can argue that Media Relations is one of the most important communication disciplines; practitioners form relationships with the media, specifically journalists, and other media professionals within this industry to help spread an organization's goals and messages to reach that organization's desired audience. Prior to collaborating with the media, it is vital to have a mission. A business should have a clear understanding of the goals it wants to obtain, as well as the messages it wants to portray through the media to the public. These goals vary depending on the business; an organization just starting will focus more on brand growth and enhancing its reputation. When an organization is sure of the objectives it wants to prioritize, it helps define the avenues it could take regarding possible media strategies. Companies can utilize different media strategies depending on their missions; for instance, if a company feels that a press release or a media interview would be the best way to express its goals, the company will prioritize this strategy over others. 

Number Two

Identify Target Media Outlets and Journalists

In order for a business to cultivate or maintain a positive reputation with the public, it is important to build a relationship with the media. The media allows all the goals, objectives, and messages a business has to be translated to the public in an effective way, allowing the organization to control exactly what information they want to share and how to share it. Determining the right media outlets and journalists to collaborate with to distribute the desired content is the next crucial step for a successful media strategy. Understanding your target audience and publications will help outline exactly who to work with. Once there are journalists who fit the criteria, a media list can be made to save these contacts for projects in the future. Finding the right media outlets for a business can enhance a company's reputation and overall presence in the industry.

Number Three

Craft Compelling Story Angles

Crafting compelling story angles is essential for building an effective media relations strategy. It can be described as establishing a newsworthy narrative that aligns with the interests of your target media outlets and their audiences. To make a story unique and capture the attention of journalists, make sure to follow the inverted pyramid. This can be defined as including the most crucial details in the story's first paragraph and then ordering the rest of the information from most to least significant. An example of a compelling story angle can be demonstrated in this lede from The Washington Post. “Silicon Valley’s steady march toward self-driving cars took another step forward Friday as the ride-hailing company Lyft said its customers will be able to summon a driverless vehicle on some roads by the end of the year.” This encourages readers to dive further into the story.

Number Four

Create a Press Kit 

Press kits assist in providing journalists, reporters, and the media at large with an easy-to-read summary of your company's key data. The goal is for anyone looking at your press kit to be able to quickly and easily identify the important figures, details, and information about your company without having to talk to you. According to Forbes, the most important press kit assets are, “a company overview fact sheet, contact details, product information, logos, and media assets.” Anything extra will be based on your specific preference. This can include bios, prestigious awards, etc. On your website, make sure it's simple to locate your press kit. Rather than making journalists search for your press kit, include a link to it in your navigation bar.

Number Five

Develop a Crisis Communication Plan

There will come a time when an organization will have a less-than-optimal relationship with some members of the community. In order to confront this, a successful media strategy should anticipate potential crises and have a clear communication plan in place to mitigate them. A good crisis communication plan should include consistent messages, a timely release of information, reduce high levels of uncertainty, express empathy, and show expertise. Meanwhile, a bad crisis communication plan typically consists of mixed messages, late releases of information, and unaddressed rumors. 

Number Six

Monitor Media Coverage and Measure Results

Media coverage is the attention and exposure that a person, brand, or event receives in various forms of media. This could include broadcast, digital, or print media. Media coverage is important to cover, as it is able to analyze the impact of your media relations efforts. As you measure the results of media coverage, you are then able to assess the effectiveness of your strategy and make necessary adjustments. In order to measure media coverage, you need to use tools that track mentions, sentiment, and overall media engagement. Popular places that are able to monitor media coverage are Google Alerts, Talkwalker Alerts, Prowly, and Mention. You are also able to utilize outside firms such as Cision to measure media coverage. 

Number Seven

Adapt and Evolve with the Media Landscape

To thrive in the ever-changing media environment, it's crucial to continually adjust your approach. Embrace emerging technologies, diverse platforms, and evolving communication trends to maintain a pertinent and impactful media relations strategy. This flexibility is key to remaining visible and engaging amidst the dynamic media landscape. Notable examples of successful adaptation include companies like Netflix, which transitioned from a DVD rental service to a leading streaming platform, and The New York Times, which effectively implemented digital subscriptions and diversified its content to cater to online readership. Such adaptability and foresight have enabled these entities to stay ahead in an increasingly competitive media sphere.

By following these steps, you can develop a comprehensive media relations strategy that helps you build strong relationships with the media, enhance your brand's visibility, and effectively communicate your key messages to your target audience.

LoriBeth Greenan