My NRC Experience: MOW (Hyde Park)

KENYA BAILEY, Account executive

Hi, my name is Kenya Bailey. I am a Senior at Marist. I am studying Public Relations and have a minor in criminal justice. Currently, I am the Account Executive for Meals on Wheels of Hyde Park at North Road Communications. I joined North Road second semester of my sophomore year and was an account representative on MOWofHP before earning my current position. I heard about NRC in one of my public relations classes and figured this would be a great way to hone my skills and create lasting and thoughtful connections during my time at Marist. As an Account Representative, I coordinated social media campaigns and helped develop newsletters alongside my team.

Since rising to the AE position, I have furthered my leadership, writing, and communication skills. Having already established a repertoire with the client, I was able to assert myself as a leader while still communicating clearly with the client and bringing their ideas to life. I have had the most opportunities and “real-life” experience once joining North Road with the help of Firm Directors Shannon and Rachel. I have been able to navigate difficult situations and work through stressful moments that I will encounter once I join an agency. NRC has been a motivating, educational experience that has pushed me to become a better AE and, as a whole, a team player. 

I am beyond appreciative of all NRC has taught me. Because of NRC, I have built up my resume and portfolio of work and have been open to more opportunities than before. I’ve translated my skills and lessons into all my endeavors with everything I have learned at NRC, and it has made me a thoughtful leader and a quality team member. North Road confirmed my love for communications and how it feels to work with a cooperative and passionate team that encourages your best all the time.

LoriBeth Greenan